
In November of 2019 we went on a pheasant hunt in southern Ohio. I wanted to preserve the memory of the hunt. I called an old friend of mine that has quite the trophy room of mounts as asked him for a recommendation, he said he was very happy with his most recent full body Coyote mount done by Jeff Jones at Jeff’s Trophy Fish Mounts , so looked him up and made an appointment to meet him to take my pair of pheasants.

While I must admit this is not what I had envisioned, this is much more elegant, and beautiful. I am extremely happy with my trophy to remember my hunt. I can’t wait to work with Jeff for more mounts in the future especially my multi Fish Ohio recreation. Again that was Jeff Jones at .

Pheasant Hunt 2020 The Return to Cherry Bend

We had such a great time at Cherrybend Pheasant Farm last year Bill and I decided we needed a repeat hunt this year. It was a little wet at the start of the day but dried out quick. We had requested Gene and his dogs Doc, and Red. However prior to the hunt I was contacted saying Gene needed to have surgery and was out for the season. It was a nice surprise when we arrived that Jamie was going to be our guide for the day. I had a little rapport with Jamie, as he was the one I worked with for our 2019 hunt, he and I had several phone conversations, as well as came to check on us out in the fields and run our birds back to the kids cleaning them. So while it was still sad Gene was out for the year, it was comforting having Jamie guide us and run his German Shorthairs.

Duck Hunting, sort of

Bill, Kenny, and I attempted to go to some public land for a duck hunt. I sunk in the mud over my knees and had to be pulled out. Once we got decoys out and settled in. We saw a Bald Eagle fly through at the treeline which was an amazing way to start the day. However; it was 26°F, and even ignoring the guy wandering through with his crossbow swaying in from of him cocked, with a bolt in it, when the guy in the bright red vest, paddled his emergency flare orange kayak, with his bluetooth speaker on the front blaring classical music right up to the decoys, looked at them confused, then looked around, and then continue to paddle through them.

New Duck Call Lanyard

I wanted to make a duck call lanyard that held less calls, and a little more structure to space the calls out a little more. This is about the half way point.

Here is the final product:

Now to just get a few more calls to fill it up, and get ready for a duck hunt this year.

Pheasant Hunt 2019

I wanted to go out bird hunting. But I wanted to do more than just a pheasant hunt. So I looked around and found a “Upland Game Hunt” at Cherrybend Pheasant Farm

We met our guide Gene shortly after checking in. He is a nice, older, local, gentleman who lives just down the road. Gene took us across to the fields we would be hunting and introduced us to Red and Doc. Red is a 3 year old English Pointer that Gene rescued, and Doc is a 4 year old English Setter. A friend of mine brought his 7 year old son out for the hunt. Junior bonded with Gene and Red right away. Gene went through the usual safety guidelines, and explained how the hunt was going to work, and what to expect. Then we started our way into the field:

One of the females went down and it took us and the dogs about 40 minutes of looking before Doc, & Red found her. That’s Junior holding her up at the end.

We took a break about an hour and a half into the hunt and Bill switched to his side by side. Before packing away his semi auto he decided it was a good opportunity to let Junior shoot his first 12 gauge shell. Shhhh. We aren’t telling his mom.

I absolutely want to thank our guide Gene, his dogs Red, & Doc, and Cherrybend Pheasant Farm in Wilmington Ohio for a great experience.

Contact info for Cherrybend:


Pheasant Blessings

My father in law invited me to join him on a Pheasant Hunt to Spencer Lake. We got out to the corner of the field and the birds were running through the field tauning us while we waited for sunrise. Of course as soon as sunrise occurred people started shooting, and the birds scattered and hid in the brush. Eventually we kicked a couple up. After the hunt was over and we were heading back I received his blessing to marry his daughter.

Turkey Call Confusion!

I’m curious how many hunters fall into the rut of using the same call every time their in the woods? Should I use glass, slate, ceramic, metal? What striker on which surface? Holy crap, I forgot my box calls? When do I switch from a diaphragm call to a box call?

Practice. That’s the only solution I have to offer.

Duck Call Lanyard

I haven’t been duck hunting in years. Last time I went was on some public land east of Cleveland. I’ve been aquiring some calls here and there and practicing with them. But I wanted them on a lanyard for a few reasons:

1. Its safer for the calls to be around your neck than loose in a pocket.

2. I’m pretty sure somewhere over the years I lost a call. (I keep all my game calls in the same bag, and I am guessing that while I was shuffling around turkey calls I lost a duck call)

The desire to make my own lanyard was multifaceted. First, I am cheap. Second, none of the knots involved are difficult. Third, it just seemed fulfilling knowing I made it myself. Fourth, I could make it for as many or as few calls as I wanted. Lastly, I could use what ever I wanted. I didn’t want swivels or carabiners.

Here is an in process photo:

Little Hunting Buddy

My little hunting buddy… My wife was laughing at me, and him because that is actually a orange toddlers teeshirt from the store that I cut apart and put back together so he could come on his first Pheasant hunt.

Badass Cats

I had the opportunity years ago to get my picture taken with 2 Bengal Tigers. The orage one at a chicken while I was in the cage, it was intimidating but I survived.