I haven’t been duck hunting in years. Last time I went was on some public land east of Cleveland. I’ve been aquiring some calls here and there and practicing with them. But I wanted them on a lanyard for a few reasons:
1. Its safer for the calls to be around your neck than loose in a pocket.
2. I’m pretty sure somewhere over the years I lost a call. (I keep all my game calls in the same bag, and I am guessing that while I was shuffling around turkey calls I lost a duck call)
The desire to make my own lanyard was multifaceted. First, I am cheap. Second, none of the knots involved are difficult. Third, it just seemed fulfilling knowing I made it myself. Fourth, I could make it for as many or as few calls as I wanted. Lastly, I could use what ever I wanted. I didn’t want swivels or carabiners.
Here is an in process photo: