Take your wife fishing!

About a year or so before we were married I decided it would be a good investment to get my wife a rod and reel. I am sure this wasn’t going to be the first fish she ever caught. But it was probably going to be the first time in a very long time she caught a fish. So I got her an Ugly Stick, a Pflueger reel, red Power Pro braid, and a Rapala. It was fun watching her reel these in.


I’m all for praying, but I don’t know that the middle of the gun range is the appropriate place.

Turkey Call Confusion!

I’m curious how many hunters fall into the rut of using the same call every time their in the woods? Should I use glass, slate, ceramic, metal? What striker on which surface? Holy crap, I forgot my box calls? When do I switch from a diaphragm call to a box call?

Practice. That’s the only solution I have to offer.

Duck Call Lanyard

I haven’t been duck hunting in years. Last time I went was on some public land east of Cleveland. I’ve been aquiring some calls here and there and practicing with them. But I wanted them on a lanyard for a few reasons:

1. Its safer for the calls to be around your neck than loose in a pocket.

2. I’m pretty sure somewhere over the years I lost a call. (I keep all my game calls in the same bag, and I am guessing that while I was shuffling around turkey calls I lost a duck call)

The desire to make my own lanyard was multifaceted. First, I am cheap. Second, none of the knots involved are difficult. Third, it just seemed fulfilling knowing I made it myself. Fourth, I could make it for as many or as few calls as I wanted. Lastly, I could use what ever I wanted. I didn’t want swivels or carabiners.

Here is an in process photo:

Bow Fishing

I took a crack at bow fishing about 11 years ago. It was a a great fulfilling experience. Not only did I get a fish by the end. But it was awesome because I was able to build the bow myself. So it was extremely gratifying getting a fish with a bow that I built myself.

If you want to check out more bow fishing, I would recommend checking out Beka Garris on facebook, or her website https://wbp13046.wixsite.com/bekagarris/blog-1 she is into bowfishing more than I ever will be.


One of my favorite games to play when we take out the .22’s is Battleship. We found these targets at Fin Feather & Fur a few years back. These make a great afternoon.

Little Hunting Buddy

My little hunting buddy… My wife was laughing at me, and him because that is actually a orange toddlers teeshirt from the store that I cut apart and put back together so he could come on his first Pheasant hunt.

Winter Fun

My friend JP, who grew up here in the Cleveland area,  flew in one winter and wanted to go shooting. So I called another friend, and we headed down to Ashland Lake Gun Club.

Afternoon Fishing Trip

It’s been about 4 years since I took out a rod and did a little casting for about an hour. Most of the Bass as you can see but the Sunfish hit pretty nice.